Name: Sculpture and Light - Westminster Cathedral Catalogue Author: Mr Dominique Fleischmann Date: 1991 Description: 0 Type: Catalogue | |
Name: Says exhibition was worthwhile and suggests a visit to the factory at Darwin Author: Paul I. Smith Date: 1952 Description: Says exhibition was worthwhile and suggests a visit to the factory at Darwin where the block of Perspex for Lot's Wife is nearing completion. Type: Letter | |
Name: Says the factory manager thinks the Lot's Wife Perspex block will be OK Author: Paul I. Smith Date: 1952 Description: Says the factory manager thinks the Lot's Wife Perspex block will be OK, and he will let AF know when he can see it. Type: Letter | |
Name: Thanks for photos of 'Symbol of Light' Philipinna Author: Date: 1952 Description: Thanks for photos of 'Symbol of Light' Philipinna and says he hopes to have some news about 'Lot's Wife' shortly. Type: Letter | |
Name: Text describing AF's programme of work in Perspex Author: Dr Arthur Fleischmann Date: 1952 Description: Text describing AF's programme of work in Perspex. Supplement to Syren and Shipping, dated 24th September 1952. Type: Letter | |
Name: Asking for photos of Lots Wife for exhibition catalogue Author: Date: 1957 Description: Asking for photos of Lots Wife for exhibition catalogue. Type: Letter | |
Name: Says he would be most interested to see the carving before it goes to Holland Park Author: Date: 1957 Description: Says he would be most interested to see the carving before it goes to Holland Park. Type: Letter | |
Name: Thanks for loan of Perspex panel for exhibition in Belfast Author: Date: 1957 Description: Thanks for loan of Perspex panel for exhibition in Belfast and says it attracted some attention. Says he hopes to get to Holland Park to see Lot's Wife. Type: Letter | |
Name: Asks if Lots Wife is for sale Author: Date: 1957 Description: Asks if Lots Wife is for sale as he has a friend who is interested in acquiring it, and he asks for more details. Type: Letter | |
Name: Thanks for reply to inquiry about Lots Wife Author: Date: 1957 Description: Thanks for reply to inquiry about Lots Wife but says the price quoted is bout four times what his friend wanted to pay, and says a sale is not very likely without an adjustment. Type: Letter | |
Name: Circular letter advising dates for showing item Sculpture Exhibition in Pathe edition 134 Author: Date: 1957 Description: Circular letter advising dates for showing item Sculpture Exhibition in Pathe edition 134. Type: Letter | |
Name: Says he regrets that the price is much too high for Lots Wife Author: Date: 1957 Description: Says he regrets that the price is much too high for Lots Wife and says his friend might buy it for £1000 or a replica in Perspex. Type: Letter | |
Name: Thanks for 3D photos of Lots Wife Author: Date: 1957 Description: Thanks for 3D photos of Lots Wife and asks for confirmation of Mr Browning's address. Type: Letter | |
Name: Cover note enclosing 3D photos of Lots Wife for Mr Browning Author: Date: 1957 Description: Cover note enclosing 3D photos of Lots Wife for Mr Browning, and asking for his address. Type: Letter | |
Name: Saying that insurance cover for Lots Wife will be added to existing policy Author: Date: 1957 Description: Saying that insurance cover for Lots Wife or the value of £2000 will be added to existing policy. Type: Letter | |
Name: Copy of letter to Bill Boston saying they do not want to purchase Lots Wife Author: Date: 1958 Description: Copy of letter to Bill Boston saying they do not want to purchase Lots Wife. Type: Letter | |
Name: Says he saw Lots Wife at Brussels Expo and would like to buy it Author: Date: 1958 Description: Says he saw Lots Wife at Brussels Expo and would like to buy it and seeks a meeting and asks AF to telephone him. Type: Letter | |
Name: Thanks AF for his letter and asks AF to phone him and come for a meeting Author: Date: 1958 Description: Thanks AF for his letter and asks AF to phone him and come for a meeting and a drink. Type: Letter | |
Name: Understands that arrangements for shipping Lots Wife back to the UK are in hand Author: Date: 1958 Description: Understands that arrangements for shipping Lots Wife back to the UK are in hand and says he was delighted to get a Christmas card featuring it. Type: Letter | |
Name: Says he has a good quality transparency of Lots Wife Author: Dr Arthur Fleischmann Date: 1978 Description: Says he has a good quality transparency of Lots Wife which he is welcome to use in his article, and says he has many photos of his work in acrylics which may be of interest for another article. Type: Letter | |
Name: Short note saying Daniel Thomas has visited the gallery Author: Date: 1978 Description: Short note saying Daniel Thomas has visited the gallery and seen some of the sculptures that arrived recently. Daniel says he is anxious to know if any large carvings in Perspex are available which would meet the National Gallery of Australia demand for a permanent exhibition in the new building. Type: Letter | |
Name: Asks if AF has a colour negative of Lot's Wife Author: Date: 1979 Description: Asks if AF has a colour negative of Lot's Wife as they wish to use it in an article on creative design in plastics by Sylvia Katz for the forthcoming issue of Shell Polymers magazine. Type: Letter | |